Few people know what to do if the lower back pain is so bad to treat the problem back at home. Most people refuse to see a doctor because of expensive medical services, others prefer proven traditional methods.
Self-medication is possible, as long as the diagnosis is certain. Temporary relief of acute symptoms will not solve the problem, and long-term development of the disease will lead to a transition to a chronic form. You should consult on this topic with an expert who can offer practical recommendations.

Causes of back pain
Both a chronic illness and an accidental incident can cause pain in the lower back. In women, a similar problem is complications of gynecological diseases (fibroids, adnexitis, malignancies). In men, lower back pain occurs mainly due to difficult working conditions and heavy lifting.
The most common causes of this problem are:
- obesity stage 2 and 3;
- excessive sitting posture;
- excessive loads during sports activities;
- lifting and carrying weights;
- chondrosis, osteonecrosis, kyphosis;
- psychological state - emotional instability;
- the effect of drafts, cooling.
Determining the cause of the pain is important, as a course of treatment should not be initiated without an accurate diagnosis. The temporary relief of symptoms will not bring about the expected results, as the root cause will remain untreated.
Even if symptomatic treatment works, low back pain will keep coming back.
When to see a specialist?
It is possible to self-treat at home if the nature of the discomfort does not change, the lesion does not expand, and there are no further manifestations.
In some cases, self-medication is not possible and requires the intervention of a specialist. A few examples:
- intense pain;
- the local area of the lesion begins to enlarge or change;
- no sensitization in the lower extremities.
With low mobility of the toes, there is a possibility of damage to the spine. Immediate medical intervention is required.
Home remedies
A variety of pharmaceutical products can be used to treat low back pain. Patients are given painkillers, a variety of gels and ointments, as well as suppositories. But it is not possible to buy medication on your own, making mistakes in choice can lead to an increase in symptoms.
A preliminary consultation with a trauma doctor or therapist will be required. The drug is prescribed only with the prescription of a narrow specialist. Some strong drugs are dispensed exclusively in pharmacies by prescription, which you cannot buy yourself.
The duration of treatment is from 1 to 6 months, depending on the area of the lesion, the intensity of pain, the frequency of unpleasant symptoms. The course of treatment must be completed, otherwise the pain will return after a short time.
Ointments and gels
For back pain, regardless of the root cause, ointments or gels are always prescribed. These agents act locally, preventing discomfort and facilitating movement.
The advantage of this method is the fewest side effects and contraindications, as well as ease of use.
When applying ointment, several rules must be observed:
- obligatory compliance with the instructions for use;
- need a little medicine to squeeze into the hand and start massaging the lower back, need to apply the medicine once a day, preferably before going to bed;
- If side effects occur, the drug must be discontinued.
There are different groups of ointments for back pain relief:
- Chondroprotectors. They help strengthen joint cartilage, preventing inflammatory reactions in it.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment. They are used for all inflammatory reactions, restoring the activity of the musculoskeletal system. Read contraindications before use.
- Analgesic. They are used primarily for acute forms of pain, providing relief from severe symptoms.
There is also a group of combined ointments that combine all of the above properties.
Oral and injectable drugs
Oral or injected drugs have the same effect as ointments, but with enhanced side effects and a large list of contraindications. Before starting a course of treatment, you should carefully read the instructions for use.
The following groups are selected for the patient, depending on the nature and duration of the pain:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs. They perfectly soothe the pain, help to stop the inflammatory process in the lower back. The application is only possible after obtaining the permission of an expert.
- Muscle relaxants. These drugs help relieve muscle tension, reduce spasms, and inhibit painful manifestations. It is worth noting that when using muscle relaxants, there is drowsiness or high blood pressure.
- Corticosteroids. Hormonal drugs suppress inflammatory reactions and have an analgesic effect.
- Addictive pain relievers. Indicated by the attending physician in case of uncontrolled pain syndrome or surgical intervention.
- Vitamin B. Promotes normalization of blood circulation, oxygen saturation, restores metabolism.
Note:Most drugs have strong healing effects, before use need to carefully read the instructions for use.
Rectal suppositories
These drugs are confidently promoted in the pharmaceutical industry and are actively used for severe cases of back pain for the following reasons:
- dissolves quickly, the results of the application are felt in 10-15 minutes;
- no harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
- minimal side effects.
If due to damage to the musculoskeletal system, the lower back is painful, how to treat it at home with plaster? Very simple.
Therapeutic plates stop pain, reduce inflammation, warm the affected area, help alleviate the patient's condition. Each patch has its own effect, you need to choose the right remedy to achieve results.
Do exercise

Therapeutic exercises are extremely effective for low back injuries. It allows you to:
- back muscle development;
- restore the distance between the vertebrae and release the pinched nerves;
- improve blood circulation;
- suppress the pain.
Note:Not all patient groups are able to perform therapeutic exercise; has a strict list of contraindications. Only a therapist can select an appropriate set of exercises.
Examples of popular and useful exercises:
- "Cat". The patient needs to walk on all fours and bend the spine, then bend in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times, holding the pose for 5-7 seconds.
- Twisted. The person will have to take a horizontal position on a flat, hard surface. Bend knees, begin to rotate legs to the right, body to the left. Do 5-6 times, then switch sides.
You need to exercise on your own every day, following the prescriptions. If negative symptoms appear (headache, vomiting, disorientation in space), it is urgent to stop exercising.
Massage therapy is most effective for spinal injuries. It is better to carry out the procedure under the supervision of a specialist, conducting it independently can lead to some consequences due to incorrect movements.
Massage is prohibited for the following groups of patients:
- people with melanoma;
- patients with active tuberculosis;
- women in any trimester of pregnancy;
- people with hypertension or arrhythmia;
- patients with skin lesions.
When performing massage on your own without the assistance of an experienced therapist, you must first obtain a list of rules from your doctor for the correct implementation of the procedure.
Paraffin therapy
Severe pain syndrome is well eliminated with paraffin. This procedure improves blood circulation in the lymph and soft tissues of the affected area. Molten paraffin heats the entire lower back, the effect of application lasts for several hours.
It will be problematic to perform such a procedure on your own, it is advisable to use the services of an experienced specialist.
Traditional medicine
Traditional medicine methods have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness, sometimes they have helped where pharmaceuticals have not been successful. But, do not abuse those methods without consulting a doctor, otherwise you can cause irreparable damage to the musculoskeletal system.
The most popular methods are:
- Compressor.The procedure only needs to be performed in the evening so that the patient is comfortable physically and mentally. The gauze cloth must be pre-soaked with preparations (only medicinal herbs) and then applied to the painful area. Spend in this state for at least an hour. As the composition of the mixture, you can use radish and horseradish, salt, honey, garlic, mustard.
- Seizure.It is done only in the evening, the human body should be in a relaxed state. For rubbing, beaver tincture, dandelion root, eucalyptus, red pepper, etc. v. used. The product must be thoroughly massaged into the affected area, after which the lower back is wrapped with a warm cloth or blanket. You need to spend at least an hour in this state.
- Take a warm bath.An excellent method to relax not only the affected area but also the whole body. The effect of the procedure can be enhanced by the use of medicinal herbs (mint, mustard powder). It is necessary to stay in the water until it begins to cool.

There are other traditional medicine methods, but the above methods are the simplest to implement, requiring no cash costs and extensive theoretical knowledge.
How to give first aid? Lower back pain how to treat at home?
Pain in the lower back doesn't always come on gradually. Bone tumors and other injuries of the spine can occur suddenly, accompanied by severe pain. Light loads, cold air or heavy lifting - all of these cause a similar problem.
Acute painful sensations must be stopped urgently. The manifestations can be so strong that a person will pass out. Before providing assistance, the patient should be resuscitated with ammonia.
The victim should be placed horizontally on a flat, hard surface. It is forbidden to raise the knee high, the spine must be in a straight position. Lying on your back will reduce the load on the discs, the spasm and the pain will somewhat disappear.
If you have topical ointments and gels available at home, you can treat the affected area. It is desirable that the funds have an anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect, such drugs quickly relieve unpleasant manifestations. After applying the ointment, you must leave the victim alone for 30-40 minutes.
If the medication works, you'll need to pull the lower back with a warm cloth to keep it in place. For ongoing acute pain, patients may be given anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications, preferably strong ones. The pill will take effect after 30-50 minutes, depending on the intensity of the pain.
Important:you can not abuse pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, in an emergency the maximum daily dosage is allowed, but not more.
With continued pain, even after all of the above recommendations have been followed, you must call an ambulance.
Back pain prevention
Once you've figured out the cause of your back pain with home remedies, it's important to learn a prevention program. The remedy is especially useful both after a course of treatment and for prophylactic purposes, to prevent the development of problems with the lower back.

Helpful hints:
- Change your diet. Try to exclude junk and fatty foods from the menu, minimize the consumption of such dishes. The diet should be mainly complementary and healthy foods, which will help saturate the body with the necessary trace elements.
- Control body weight. Stage 2 and 3 obesity affects not only the internal organs, but also the spine. Under the influence of excess body weight, there is displacement and deformation of the intervertebral discs, damage to cartilage.
- More activities. With a sedentary lifestyle (due to work at the office, for example), you need to warm up and walk every day.
- Reduce stress on the spine. Do not lift weights and carry them without a good reason. Even a light load can deform the spine.
Breaking bad habits will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the lower back. Alcohol disrupts blood circulation, and products with a half-life of ethanol negatively affect the condition of cartilage and joints.