Osteochondrosis is a common disease of the spine characterized by degenerative changes in a structure, a cartilage disc, and a bone bases. Pathology is manifested primarily after 30 years.

The symptoms of a degenerative cervical disc disease may be different, which complicates the process of a diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Characteristic of the disease
Cervical spine consists of the vertebrae, or nerve endings. Lower back pain in this area is formed by a degeneration of an inter vertebral you. While the pathology of affected nerves, important blood vessels.
The disease is well disguised as other diseases, because the symptoms of osteoarthritis seizure is characterized by the headache, as well as a significant discomfort in the neck. The patient complains of problems with a pressure, nausea. Often, many confuse these signs with the diseases of the cardiovascular.
Often a background running problems the patient begins to rapidly lose consciousness, have a shortness of breath, numbness of the tongue. Mostly the disease is diagnosed with age of men after 30 years as a continuous, dynamic, static load. Such violations can occur even in the teens.
A development
A symptoms, treatment of a cervical degenerative disc disease depend largely on the degree of development of a disease. In the first stage, disturbed nutrition, a cartilage tissue, which is the production of certain enzymes, is characterized by the destructive effect. A person feels very uncomfortable. Get rid of ezek a symptoms will help with the daily morning exercise.
In the second stage, the adverse effects of abnormal enzymes is continuously increasing, and a test begins to develop a inflammation. A cartilage gradually wears away, which is the vertebrae term, zadamlya nerve endings. Painful sensations become stronger. A person, it becomes very difficult to work with.
The third grade started, tumors, and growths of bone tissue. The symptoms of a degenerative cervical disc disease, in this case manifested in the form of intense pain. There is a violation of the metabolism, so the spine in the area of occurrence of inflammation begins, the deposited salt. To begin the process of an ossification of a vertebrae, which leads to a gradual development of a herniated disc.

It's possible, but don't kill everything immediately identify a disease stage of according to the available symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, a mint degree of tissue necrosis may not match the available evidence.
Before defining symptoms, treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, understand you need to exactly what factors influence a formation of pathological process. The development of a disease influenced by the pathological, physiological processes, which are closely linked to each other, therefore, mainly take into account overall.
Physiological changes induced by irreversible aging processes of cartilage. Discomfort then, if the irritation of nerve endings. Pathological changes, that may occur if an incorrect diet, lifestyle of sedentary. Mainly they disorders are adolescent and middle-aged people.
In some cases, lower back pain can be a manifestation in the form of short-term interruptions. The main triggering factors, you need the following:
- lack of regular physical activity;
- weight;
- common stay in an uncomfortable position;
- a high mattress, cushion, or;
- nervous strain;
- hypothermia;
- injuries to the head and neck.
A development of degenerative disc disease causes can be congenital abnormality, but also the different types of autoimmune disease.
The main symptoms

The neck a lot of blood vessels and nerve endings. Therefore, the symptoms of a degenerative disease of a disk, neck, chest and certain related ischemia in the brain regions. In addition, nerves, which a motor activity, as well as the sensitivity of the shoulder belt and upper limbs, was destroyed when a compressed vertebrae can cause different symptoms. A symptoms, treatment of a cervical degenerative disc disease depend largely on which system is involved in the disease process. In particular, one can distinguish the following characteristics:
- violation of microcirculation, the blood, the compression of the vertebral arteries.
- signs of lesion of the nerve endings;
- severe neurotic pathology in severe cases.
The first symptoms of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis presence of a painful feeling of the neck, the back, the head and neck region. Localization of pain may be more advanced, causing severe migraines. A buy nature of the pain vary greatly depending on the lesion severity, and course of a disease. A mode stage of the disease, the pain is quick sort, gradually the pain becomes chronic, aching in nature. In the period of acute pain, photography, increases the tone of the muscles of the neck, head and limited movement.
Among the symptoms of a degenerative cervical disc disease in women, no matter, the men can distinguish the presence of, and noise in the ears, and nose. In some cases the hearing impairment. Ezek a symptoms related to reduced blood flow.
Among the main features are the following:
- dizziness,
- the pressure is reduced to
- the missing air,
- nausea,
- blurred vision.
Vertigo is considered a symptom of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis. Ezek caused by the flow of blood to an organ, which ensures the balance of the body. The lack of air can occur due to the irritation of nerve endings, involved in the regulation of the breathing process. The patients often complain that they can't breathe. In some cases, the symptoms are exacerbated by or severe shortness of breath asthma attacks.
The oxygen deficit related to breathing, a main cause of increased fatigue, decreased attention, and memory. In some cases, nausea, which is caused by bad circulation of the book in certain parts. Sometimes it can be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss.
The symptoms of a degenerative disease is a disk cervical spine obviously the deterioration of the visual acuity. However, it's a violation it's pretty rare. Noted you will need to perform therapeutic exercises, and wearing glasses does not give the desired results, but the vision is improved, a treatment after just a degenerative disc disease.

Unstable pressure caused by poor circulation to an area, the book publisher is responsible for the functioning of the vascular-motor center. In some cases, there may be a slight in increase in local temperature and redness of the skin.
It is important to recognize the symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease. Discomfort, pain is not always, therefore, very important to have a test to prepare comprehensive and competent treatment. Noted should be that all patients have a crisis, audible clicks when moving the neck, and on this basis identify the course of the disease.
If they experience symptoms of a disease degenerative neck disc treatment need to be started immediately, so it is better to consult a neurologist. Cause existing signs required comprehensive examination.
During the audit, by conducting neurological tests, the doctor will assess the mobility and neck pain, and circulation especially in the vertebral artery. The main methods of diagnosis is necessary to highlight the following:
- an x-ray of cervical vertebrae,
- discography,
- tomography,
- myelography,
- ultrasonic dopplerography.
This allows to determine the localization of the damage and the degree of neglect of the disease, and then select the system the most effective therapy. The treatment process is quite long and requires patience.
To fully restore the cartilage structure is impossible, however, possible, that life will significantly improve the quality of to get rid of the chronic pain. It's very important to follow the patients course of the disease, if necessary, set a treatment program to predict possible improvements or complications.
The peculiarity of the treatment
Regardless of the presence of symptoms the treatment of a cervical degenerative disc disease is conducted using conservative methods, is always complex. Provides that the use of drugs, particularly:
- anti-inflammatory drugs,
- analgesics,
- corticosteroids,
- muscle relaxants,
- vitamin complexes.

In severe cases, prescribe procaine blockade an area of the greatest pain. Sometimes, it may be that the application of the introduction of hormonal methods. In addition, the visible, the local treatment, which involves applying warming ointments, and gels. Good effect the physiotherapy and therapeutic exercise. Methods such allow you to make very quick, effective, to strengthen the muscles of the neck. The use, However, is possible only after the period of reduced acute.
To increase the space of a vertebrae are visible between the hardware providing a spine. In severe cases, surgical intervention is necessary, but it is an important to be evidence.
A therapy supplemented may be wearing an orthopedic collar Trench. Due to the strong fixation of the cervical vertebrae, the treatment is much faster. This tool allows you to quickly manage your painful feelings, to normalize the blood circulation in the neck, as well as the general improving health of a patient.
Drug therapy
Depending on the symptoms, a cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis treatment with drugs taken separately. The therapy aims to eliminate painful sensation, inflammation, as well as the return of the normal mobility of the vertebrae and the blood circulation.
Among the main group of drugs are the following:
- painkillers;
- anti-inflammatory;
- chondroprotectors;
- muscle relaxants — relaxes the muscles, and used as a reserve means that a eliminate the pain;
- vitamin complexes.
The resources required for external use, which can be used in the form of ointments or gels. A good effect is "Nurofen" and "Voltaren". Helps normalize blood circulation, eliminate the pain, spasms, and produces a warming effect.
Helps eliminate the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis treatment, normalizing the cerebral circulation. Improves metabolic processes in the brain, as well as the recovery of this memory, baby medicines.
Physiotherapy techniques
Quickly and effectively helps eliminate the symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease home special treatment therapeutic exercises. In addition to physical therapy, and medications are used, the various activities, include the following methods

- the provision of a spine,
- massage,
- physiotherapy effect.
The stretching of the ridge will increase the spaces between vertebrae. However, remember that the load is measured. The effect is done in different ways, especially on a special table.
Very good results gives you a massage. This procedure normalizes the blood circulation, nutrition, gas exchange-cartilaginous tissue. In addition, the massage eliminates muscle tension, cramps, get rid of a painful feeling.
Physiotherapy effects includes a variety of tools, such as:
- laser treatment
- magnetic field,
- ultrasound
- low-frequency power.
In Some cases, the use of medication in combination with physiotherapy impact, which increases the effectiveness and avoid side effects.
Acupuncture allows you to or more enhance to slow down processes in the body effect of biologically active points. The maximum power of ezek measures available if you have a complex application.
Folk methods
If you experience the first symptoms of a degenerative cervical disc disease treatment at home includes a therapeutic bath, which allows you to quickly eliminate the pain and inflammation. In addition, it promotes the relaxation of the spine. Water treatment should be carried out in a day, but a course of treatment is 15-20 procedures.
In the water bath, you can add the concoction of a mint, chamomile, birch, lemon balm or sage. The intake is a good infusion of yarrow, as it helps to quickly eliminate the inflammation, pain, spasms. Mint a compress, you can use the solution of the sea salt. It helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease treatment at home, however, before using any means and methods necessary to consult a physician to prevent complications.

A method of prevention is the best, the healthy lifestyle, as well as the formation, the posture of the child. With the aim of prophylaxis is recommended:
- the performance setting.
- the use of orthopedic pillows, mattresses sleep;
- the smooth work.
A mode form of the disease primarily on the explicit symptoms. If you have any pain whining character in a sternum contact your doctor immediately.