Acute pain in the lumbar region, the background of an osteochondrosis is a common problem, which the vast majority of people. That we have a "reward" of bipedalism (due to higher axial loads on a spine), this disease eventually affects everyone on earth, the only question is how fast and how pronounced the symptoms. Such a "bleak" statistics makes us to classify the pathology of the socially significant diseases in the fight against the responsibility not only of the individual suffering from the symptoms of the disease and a global health system as a whole. Therefore, the question of the treatment of osteochondrosis – theme is a very important.
So what is osteochondrosis? Let us look briefly at the development of the disease. A name, if it's the literally translation of a Latin, a structure change during osteoarthritis: bone, cartilage. For the purposes of cushioning, resistance to vertical load on the bought nature has placed between the two vertebrae is a kind of fibro-cartilage "cushions" — the intervertebral discs. The food is carried in a childhood of a blood vessel, which lost about 25 years ago, the food begins to diffuse in a surrounding muscles.
An abnormal loading of the spine (sedentary work, or excessive physical activity), violations of the processes of the mineral metabolism of the intervertebral disc loses its absorbing and elastic properties, reducing an ep-je, a variable structure, the vertebrae, are abnormal bony outgrowth (a joint, as well as zamechatelnye disc), reduced mobility in the affected section of the spine. A later stages of the disease a Central part of an intervertebral disc called a nucleus nucleus pulposus, breaking a ring of fibrous, forms a sort of saccular protrusion between bodies of the vertebrae — inter-vertebral hernia. Herniation can cause compression of an adjacent vertebrae to the nerve root, the intense pain in one area of a compression, and the field-adjustable work affected nerve. Since the constant irritation of the nerve is a plexus reflex spasm of the skeletal muscles, the drug, the so-called protection protection, on the one hand, protects the suffering from the spine is an excessive movement, on the other hand, increase the compression, swelling and pain in the affected area.
In the majority of cases (90%) is a pain syndrome in osteochondrosis (a very different) due to muscle spasm. Other cases cause the pain is the compression of the nerve root directly or to the spinal cord a herniated disc.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: how to manage
From all parts of a spine and five (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal), because the maximum engine load of the symptoms of the disease lumbar. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine clearly, all the familiar symptoms, treatment, a significant social problem because it affects the quality of life of not only the elderly, but active working age.

Pain can be localized directly in the lumbar region, as well as the front of the thigh, or the whole, or outer surface of one leg, sometimes the fingers. Sometimes pain in the gluteal region, pelvis, perineum, localized sometimes in these areas, masquerading as diseases of the genitourinary system, intestines, and making it difficult the correct diagnosis. The intensity of the pain are high, a person loses the ability to perform the most basic moves, adopt a forced posture, you lose a normal sleep. That a lot of the sciatica, which is already wider circles have long been synonymous with the disease itself.
The limitation of physical activity. Violation of the normal movement and sensitivity in the limbs can occur, muscle cramps, paresthesia (tingling, burning, "pins").
Mind pool organs. Intensive radiculáriszt syndrome is known as sciatica, or huge Grajewo is a protrusion, it may be broken urination, or bowel, severe distress to a patient.
Treatment for degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine often becomes a challenge of mind to the patient report to the doctor. All people suffering from the illness asked in the following question: "How to treat lumbar degenerative disc disease?", "How to treat the osteochondrosis lumbar spine?", "If a treatment for a degenerative disease home lumbar disc didn't help that what's the doctor's address?", "If a pills and ointment lumbar intervertebral disc disease is not helping - how do we treat it?".
To cope with a worsening degenerative disc disease and prescribe effective treatment to help the following physicians: therapist, neurologist, specialist, medical massage, chiropractor, massage therapist, and if necessary, surgical treatment – doctor neurosurgeon.
How can you treat an osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
The main thing, a treatment for a degenerative disc disease the right path in life. People actively properly engaged in the physical culture, the witness, the spine, back never hurt. Unfortunately, few people meet these simple truths.
To investigate this question, one can distinguish:
- the medicine;
- drug-free.
The non-pharmacological methods of treatment of lumbar pathology of a backbone
Distraction procedures. The effect lies in the name itself - the use of different applicators, massage rug, cushion, wool belts, "widgets", "raster time" effect of the surface nerve endings and blood vessels, reduces muscle spasm, pain. These can be used a method than an additional, but insulated their use during exacerbation of osteochondrosis lumbar segment, systemic treatment without special medications are ineffective.
It means that the immobilization. Under ezek tools I get the bandages different designs a wearing, which allows you to protect the spine with a sharp, and a "dangerous" movement to redistribute the load, if you have a static work. It means that the immobilization can be purchased at medical more, shops, pharmacies, however, to consult before buying it is worth a doctor who will help you determine the best of the situation, the design, the stiffness and configuration of a bandage. It is advisable to apply them only for the time, a harmful effect of factors (driving, sedentary work, etc.), long mint use causes wasting of the muscles.
Physiotherapy (physical therapy) organic diet. a complex treatment of degenerative disc disease. Exercise maintain to hang skeletal muscle back to a, then the removal of pathological muscle spasm and helps restore and maintain the physical activity decreases the pain syndrome intensity. Significant plus after a physical therapy instructor, teaching the person to independently perform the exercises daily at home, the existence of a set of exercises, then it is applicable, an exacerbation of a process. The most effective method of physical therapy, a hydrotherapy sessions in a gym the individually developed technique, because of the formation of a muscular corset, it is necessary to work with a weights.
Massage since ancient times has been known, the most common perhaps the most preferred to the patient by a mode of prevention, the mind is a treatment, however, a phase of exacerbation of osteochondrosis of lumbar segment cannot be used. In addition to a just a massage osteochondrosis professionals, medical education, perfectly knows anatomy, physiology, and the knowledge of the technicians, a medical therapeutic massage.
Manual therapy and is becoming increasingly popular over the past years, osteopathy carried out a competent professional that significant therapeutic effect can still be for a long time to get rid of the exacerbations. It is important to remember that turning to a chiropractor before you start the necessary procedures for conducting instrument tests a spine (x-ray, CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging, osteodensitometry) in order to the doctor to have an evaluation prevalence and severity of process, and a possible exclusion of contraindications to manipulation. Minty massage, chiropractic osteopathy, and a number of contraindications, such as severe compression of the nerve root by the herniation, subluxatio the vertebrae. In the acute stages of degenerative disc disease lumbar use is mint a rule, we find techniques of the manual therapy (muscle relaxation, etc.).
Acupuncture. According to the latest studies, a state think that using the popular uncle sanyi circles, the method, evidence-based medicine is considered to be the undue osteochondrosis lumbar spine, does not eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but suggests that alternative methods of treatment.
Physiotherapy, includes the national clinical guidelines, standards of medical care osteochondrosis, already has proven to be effective in the treatment of disease. Osteochondrosis lumbar spine the applied electromyostimulation, amplipulse therapy, shock wave therapy, interstitial myostimulation, the. A method is a popular complex treatment remain magnetic. Advantages include good tolerance, and a small list of contraindications, possibility of application, the period of disease acute. Active all links of the pathological process after treatment, some significantly reduce the pain and allows a person to increase physical activity. By in addition to the improve trophism affected tissue to slow down the progression of the disease. An obvious advantage of the method is that the possibility of their use by a patient outside of a health institution.
But if you don't the above pharmacological methods didn't work - then what to treat lumbar degenerative disc disease?
A disease includes the appointment of the following drug groups
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nsaids) are available in the form of the local (gels, ointments, creams) and systemic treatment (tablets, suppositories, solutions for intramuscular and intravenous). The action is based on inhibition of the inflammatory process enzymatic level due to eliminating swelling in affected areas and significantly reduced the pain.
An early stage of the disease enough local application of Nsaids, the non-pharmacological methods (physiotherapy, magneto therapy). When expressed pathological processes, the strong pain you have to resort to pills, and sometimes injectable form of medications.
Unfortunately, I have a good anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect of some nsaids, long-term, systematic use can cause a development and worsening of ulcerative and erosive processes of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the damage to the kidney, the liver. So patients for a long time nsaids, the drugs, that the stomach protect mucosa, as well as regular laboratory monitoring, the performance of the liver or the kidney.
A system of muscle relaxants, i.e., drugs that relieve muscle spasm. The principle that an action lies in the name: relaxation of spastic muscles reduce the compression of nerves and blood vessels, swelling in the affected area – improving circulation and lymph – reduces the pain by reducing the défense reduced muscle tension, the tape is reduced to a convex (protrusion) is a disc – simmering pain, increase range of motion.
Muscle relaxants for treatment of osteochondrosis manufactured in the form of tablets administered intramuscular, to achieve the therapeutic effect takes a long time, gradually increase the dose. As well as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, many contraindicated may cause unwanted side effects, therefore, despite the fact that free-a for sale pharmacy, before you buy consult your doctor.
Local Anesthetics or local drugs anesthesia is used for medical treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis in the form of so-called paravertebral blockade, when a solution is first a drug is administered subcutaneously, followed by a processes of the affected vertebrae, a projection of expected compression of a nerve root.
Accumulate in the membranes of nerve fibers, medicine is a effectively blocks the pain signal. Therapist, of course, to perform such a blockade is not necessary that a or consult a neurologist neurosurgeon.
A paravertebral injection is sometimes used solutions glucocorticosteroids (GCS) - hormonal drugs, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The local application allows you to achieve the maximum effect with the minimum risk of undesirable side effects medication a. Such closures took courses 2-3 times a year, to meet the needs of a neurologist, or a doctor, a neurosurgeon.
Vitamins a group "b". Pharmacy you can Always find drugs, this group, like the forms, the oral and intramuscular. They believe that a neurotrophic, easy to analgetic effect, but it's a solid justification for the use of osteochondrosis of a spine evidence-based medicine isn't received.
Physical treatment, osteochondrosis of the lumbar

Unfortunately, sometimes complex treatment with application of modern medicines, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy treatment is ineffective, a person is still the one they experience pain, restriction of a physical activity significantly affect the quality of life. This is what happens at a later stage of the disease, when the three components-dimensional, often more gryzenia protruding from the intervertebral discs. In this situation, surgical treatment is indicated. In addition, surgical intervention is indicated, the so-called "a prolapse hernia", when a significant compression of the spinal canal causing pain nekupirutayasa, static-dynamic violations of the blockade, the functions of the bladder, bowel. In such cases, the surgery on an emergency basis. The purpose of surgical interventions for degenerative disc disease the lumbar spine mechanical decompression of the spinal canal, and nerve roots.
The surgical treatment is Currently the osteoarthritis is used as a known surgical techniques, as well as a modern medicine minimally invasive endoscopic procedures with the help of, as well as the radio-frequency radiation emission, which can be carried out between either local anesthesia.
Taking into account the main way a treatment for a degenerative disc disease is a spinal lumbar, I would like to reiterate that a patient, who ask the question, "how to treat lumbar degenerative disc disease?", matter we don't just help the doctors, but your own power, recognizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle, which is high encouraged in the nutrition correctly apply dosed physical load, but the most important thing is to have a faith, a victory of a disease.